Reinterpreting Fear

How can we overcome paralyzing fear? It can be all consuming. Often times we’re enveloped in fear without even realizing it. We rationalize it to a point of normalcy. Circumvent discomfort and pain to a complacent level of numbness. Never really full of joy and gratitude, never confronting our deep seeded fears face to face. Like a straight line. Consistent. Dull.

It’s prevented me from taking risks, putting myself out there, exploring who I am, being myself, sharing myself with others, learning, growing, and becoming more. Stunting my own connection with the people around me, protecting myself from their hypothetical sharp judgements. Living in a safe bubble I’ve constructed with my own rationalizations. Fueled by cultural distractions. My phone. The TV. My phone. My computer. Work. Work. Work. My phone.

Then, the momentary silence. The void and sudden flood of thoughts. Critical. Searing. Burning a hole in my brain. Those of potential and possibility, wasted time and lost opportunities. All brought upon by my own inability to be honest in the moment, present at the time, and to choose the road I wanted to travel. Rather than the road I thought best worn. Looking back, lost far in the distance, a moment in time where a decision was made. Not based on truth, but on fear. That’s how I got here. That’s why we all stand together at this juncture.

Instead of projecting the future out of fear, dreading the outcomes, inventing catastrophe within our imaginations, we should make the bold choice to follow our truth. Just this one time. Then, once more after that. And again. One time, each time, slowly, but indefinitely. We build a different path. Because today I will embrace my fear as a compass, pointing in the direction I must go. Today my fear is invigorating.

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